My Breakfast Smoothie

Skipping Breakfast is detrimental to my diet for the day. I have to eat a very fulfilling breakfast. My demanding early morning schedule is from training a client or my personal training myself then straight to my pharmaceutical sales job. My friend and I have always played around with smoothie recipes.  This is by far my favorite gluten-free vegan smoothie recipe.


What you need:

1. Chocolate Unsweetened Almond Milk

2. Raw Organic Meal Chocolate Vegan Protein

3. Raw Powdered Peanut Butter- Chocolate

4.  1 Banana

5. 3/4 Cup Blueberries (optional)

6. Cold Brew Brew Or Instant Coffee (optional)

6. Ice



I have a smoothie 5 days a week at 830AM. I'll change up recipes but I am a creature of habit and this has been my go-to.  At about 11AM I'll have a small package of raw almonds so I don't make poor choices at lunchtime.  I try to stay away from Juice Press and Juice Generation - there smoothies are calorie packed with about 450-600 calories each.  If I am unable to make my own smoothie I usually alter these menu smoothies. I take out dates, extra bananas, coconut nectar, agave, etc. Remember if you already have a fruit sweetening the drink then you don't need much more.

What is you favorites smoothie?


xo Rachel


What are you favorite smoothie recipes?

Rachel Donohue